Dr Aia Assaf Casals

Hi there. I wouldn’t say there is a one single tip that helped. Maybe not with my kids cuz they do just fine with food. But you gave me a new perspective on baby led weaning to suggest to my patients as a pediatrician. I completely changed my practice, I read more about baby led weaning, and now when my babies come for their 4 months visit where I prepare the mom for the next huge step at 6 months, I don’t just tell them about the classical “puree” food introduction, I also suggest baby led weaning and encourage them to try it or at least mix the two methods. I give them tips many of which I actually saw on ur stories. So, yes, your tips are very important. Like seriously important. So thank you. I think my patients are even happier.

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Rita M.

Hi rana, hope you’re good. Actually your page is so interesting, i watched all the blw highlights, i follow all the tips and stories on how to deal with the baby in every situation, i also tried many baby recipe✌ the content is helpful and useful, you seem devoted and authentic with the info u share😊

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Rawan Hassoun

I started following you before I got pregnant. I followed you at first to cook my very first meals in my kitchen.
When I got pregnant u were pregnant with cyma too but u were ahead in your pregnancy so I got to benefit from your experience in pregnancy as well 🙈.
So u gave birth before me and here our daily journey began!!
Yes, the very first thing I do on a daily base is to check your stories and posts.
For our food menu/I check ur page
For my baby food menu/I check ur page
For my baby’s development/I check your page
For parental advice/ I check your page
For baby activities/ your page
For safe outings / I check your page (yes u are abroad not in Lebanon but I get inspired for example ahh she took them to the farm yala go to the farm)
You are present in our daily life, you are my backbone in this journey. You made me confident in my choices and backed me up with a lot of knowledge. My baby’s pediatrician thought I’m a nutritionist at first then she said ah no neurologist.
and I’m not. But the info I have is from your page. She told me the other day please stop reading. Do you know why?? Cz you are providing the newest info and I’m getting that info. The pediatricians are stuck with the old knowledge that they got so they are afraid of this knowledge that we are getting.
You are a genuine person. I always ask you and u answer and never got bored. The best thing is that u remember what we talked about and u follow the track as if I’m talking to one of my sisters❤❤

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Lara Haida El Hajj

I was one of the people who is extremely scared of choking but before my daughter started being ready for solids I came across Rana Cooks BLW posts and started digging into the difference between choking and gagging and really this was a game changer for me!! And for my baby I am sure! Through her posts with Simsom I was encouraged to try BLW. At first not every one around me was encouraging me with the new BLW thing but then after seeing the results of how my baby now shared the table with us whether on breakfast, lunch or dinner and how we can both eat together at the same time, everyone was happy with the results especially my daughter that is now 1 year and 2 months and enjoys her meal as her mama does! This could have never happened without Ranacooks sharing and recording her experience with Sima.

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Joy JamalEddine

The fact you share both personal experiences and scientific evidence to back up most of what you post encouraged me to trust your ways with BLW. Your highlighted BLW stories showed and and not just told me that babies can in fact eat almost anything, and if done carefully, it’s true! My son started off not loving food, meals were a bit frustrating for me, till I said yalla let’s do this! And it’s been the best!

I followed Sima’s development since I was pregnant and felt a connection with you and your ways with the kids without having ever met you. My son is around 9 months younger, if I’m not mistaken, I enjoy ‘peeking into the future’ via Sima.

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Zena Banna

I wouldn’t be where I am without you!!!! You have enlightened me on a whole new world of baby eating, not to mention given me the courage to give my boy a variety of healthy goodness! Because of you I’m serving Andrew whole foods and he couldn’t be happier!!! Becauseof you I have fed him avocado, a chicken drumstick, boiled potato sticks, broccoli, bluberries (or bab as Cyma call them 😄) chicken liver pate, eggs scrambled, fish, shrimp (small bits) zucchini fritters, kafta, and so much more!!!!

So thank you thank thank you soooooo much. Without you we would be left out of this magical yummy world 🥰 🙏💙

and I’d like to apply lots of your recipes and I have but would like to make that dark chocolate tart one day, the baby biscuits, and some more goodies 💃💃💃💃

Mwaaaa kisses to you and Cyma and Theo all the way from Sunny Sydney to Pretty Paris!

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Your page helped bring a lot of waht we read about in book to reality. I’ve read about montessori learning and gentle parenting but thanks to your content that gave me the opportunity to actually see real-life examples.

Additionally, you page also encouraged me on BLW, where I feel comfortable applying this with my son even though many people around our family think it’s crazy w ‘lashou el tokhbees wel le3b bel akel.”

Last but not least, you & your family are lovable and when someone starts seeing your stories the get hooked on Theo’s intelligence, Cyma’s cuteness & hadame, and your genuine & real self, which is rare on social media.

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Lynn El Bizri

You helped me to change my approach and the way I talk about what I considered ‘unhealthy foods’ into a healthy and more positive way.
I learned about learning towers from you and the key role they play in fostering independence in the kitchen.
You encouraged me to try baby led weaning with Peter and I’ve learned even more from Cyma’s experience that I would do differently the next time around.
I love all the healthy snack recipes that I was able to make and still make for Peter
+ so much more!

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Nada Saliba

Rana having followed you (and Cyma) for almost a year now, I feel it has helped me decide on a baby led weaning journey fo rmy baby boy when he reached 6 months in  June. One thing that stands out to me from observing Cyma is the reward after months and months of perseverance when she can confidently drink from a cup with little to no spillage and finally eating with little mess. But it takes patience and it also helps when the parent tried to enjoy watching baby as they *independently* discover for the first time the world and pleasures of food and its textures and smells. This brings me to the very important lesson a baby can learn from this and that is being independent and taking initiative. Honestly and truly, I don’t think I would’ve decided on taking this route had you not shared Cyma’s dailies. Thank you baby girl ❤️

I also love you guys so much. You, Cyma and Theo ❤️

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