Baby-wearing is one of the things I really enjoy and look forward to in my kids’ babyhood. It is also one of the things I swear by for saving my sanity while allowing me to offer the attachment and security my baby needs, especially so with my first baby who’s needs for attachment and contact especially when it comes to sleep where very high, and with my second, when my own needs for having 2 free hands and some free time to take care of my first (& move countries) while caring for a newborn were high!
The benefits of baby-wearing are so numerous. My favorite reasons to baby-wear include:
– The beautiful bond and security and emotional regulation that closeness and contact with parents provides to our babies, which is a very essential and valid need they have.
– Allowing me to still manage to do chores, and eat!, during the tough newborn phases when baby needed to be held a lot.
– How helpful it is for nursing moms and babies. Skin to skin and close contact helps establish mom’s milk supply and helps us get more in tune with our newborns.
– How practical and more enjoyable it can make outings with baby and young toddlers. Baby naps and even nurses in there happily while you don’t have to worry about pushing around a stroller or a whining baby who needs to be picked up or an overwhelmed baby from over stimulation etc.. all while you have your hands free to shop, run errands, focus on your other kids etc..
– Napping magic for babies and young toddlers that struggle falling asleep when out of the house. It used to be the only way my eldest would nap when out. It saved both of us!
That said, it is important that our choice of carriers be right so that it offers a safe and comfortable experience for both baby and our backs! In these two video tutorials, I am to provide you with all the essential information for a positive experience, and hopefully will answer all the questions you might have to get you started off on a happy baby-wearing journey.
Enjoy the coziness and love mamas and papas!
It’s a long one.. not because putting on a wrap takes that long 😉 once you find your away around it, it actually takes exactly a min to tie on and 30secs to get baby in! This tutorial though covers all the questions you might have about baby wraps and newborns.
– Different wraps & ages they can be used
– Is the position safe for baby, are they comfortable in there
– How to put a wrap on
– How to put baby in it
– How to adjust the fit after baby is already in & make it comfortable
– How to breastfeed in a wrap (wasn’t planned but baby wanted to feed while filming, so you get a bonus!)
– Safety guidelines
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In this tutorial I answer all your questions about structured baby carriers, and demonstrate how to wear it, breastfeed in it, and wear a back-carry without help. I show you the most important essential features to look for, and the extra ones that I like. See details below if you want to skip & jump to the section you’re interested in.
*if you have a narrow-based carrier, I have a hack just for your at the end to fix baby’s position in it.
0.44’ starting what age لأي عمر
1.50’ most important feature أهم ميزة
4.11’ how to put it on كيفية لبسها
6.52’ how to breastfeed in the carrier داخلها الرضاعة
7.33’ features I like/optional features الميزات الاضافية
9.09 how to back-carry الحمل على الظهر
10.53 about brands
12.15 safety guidelines معايير السلامة
13.08 narrow-base carrier hack تعديل القاعدة الرفيعة
13.52 baby-wearing love w dala3
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